working from home

Productivity hacks to beat procrastination when working from home

For most of us, home has always been a place to rest and replenish but the world has changed so much and now it is a common thing to have an office incorporated in one’s house. I personally have been working from home for three years now and yes, it can be easy to fall back, get caught up in house chores or watch a lot of TV and procrastinate on the work that gets you paid. Nevertheless, there are few things you can do to get productive.

First, de-clutter your home. Simply get rid of clutter by keeping everything you desire to keep in it’s designated area in your house and either give or throw away whatever remains unplaced. When you do this, you create a peaceful environment in which you can creatively work. Remember it is peace that passes on all understanding (Philippians 4:7). The thing about being in cluttered places is that you will have your attention divided between what you are trying to do and the mess that surrounds you hence constraining your productivity. Mike Murdock emphasized that “The only reason men fail is because of broken focus.”

Secondly, listen to faith building messages. When you believe that you can achieve what you’ve set your heart to, action is inspired. Since faith comes by hearing, endeavor to listen to information that propels you to act on your goals. Listen to information that will help you develop the right habits to become the person you need to become to get your work done. You become what you repetitively hear.

For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he….. – Proverbs 23:7

Another technique to consider is working in time frames. Set the timer on your phone for a given length of time and focus on a single task within that time period. This is a great way to stay focused and not have your time wasted while being distracted by things like checking your phone for social media updates. Once your focus is unbroken, you accomplish what was seemingly impossible

Lastly, set/review your day’s program the night before. This is you simply  planning for your day, writing down the necessary steps to take in order to get out of the day with some progress towards your most important goals. It is what we do day by day that enables us to accomplish great things.


Remember God loves you and values you.

Love, Kay

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