Discover your Purpose

Why it matters to discover your purpose

Written by Kellen Kenlyn Nakaye

Does my life really count? You might ask. Yes, it does. Ephesians 2:10 reads “For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.”

The purpose of your life supersedes accomplishing a specific goal. Rather, it is intended to be your ongoing impact on the world, big or small throughout your existence.

Right from the beginning God created us to be in his image and to have dominion over the earth he created and he blessed us to be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth (Genesis 1:26-27). As Steven J Cole writes in his article “Why God Created People”, God’s purpose is to have people on earth reflecting His image and having dominion over the earth under His sovereignty. 

Caring to discover your purpose as an individual is then very important because of the reasons I am going to expound on below;

  • It will cause you to discover your gifts/talents (1 Corinthians 7:7).

Knowing that you have a role to serve that involves others motivates you to develop and excellently use your gifts and talents hence setting yourself up even for greater rewards, for a man’s gift makes room for him and brings him before great men (Proverbs 18:16). For example, Alexander Graham bell used his gift to invent the telephone for which he is still remembered today.

  • With purpose at heart, you can set a vision for your life

According to Habakkuku 2:2, it is having a vision that motivates one to put in the work necessary towards accomplishing a series of goals and hence serving a purpose. Also, a personal vision enables you to strive through the hardest of times which non of us is immune to in this world. In his book, Man’s Search for Meaning, Victor Frankl elaborated on the horrible suffering he faced in the Nazi camps and how the will to meaning helped him hold onto life even when taking one’s life as a means to escape the painful torture from the camp masters was justifiable.

  • You can form quality relationships.

With Purpose at heart, you will be more concerned with surrounding yourself with people who can hold you accountable to fulfilling your call.

  • It enables us to develop and stick to good habits.

Personally, it is after I gained a sense of purpose that I could stick with habits like exercising. I realized I would need a strong, fit, and firm body to carry out my purpose (honestly I sometimes get inconsistent but at least I have a strong reason to give it a try every now and then). Also, being purpose-driven calls for service so I learnt to set goals for the things I knew I had to accomplish and to properly manage my time so I could meet the deadlines. Someone is always waiting on the other side of your obedience so you can not afford to waste time not doing what you must do.

Overall, a purpose-driven approach to life is what will bring you the most joy and fulfillment so, find out today what you ought to stand for so that you can stop falling for everything that is placed in front of you.

  • You become a confident person

Knowing your purpose puts your worth and capability on your finger tips and that alone can enable you to become a determined and resilient individual. You become less controlled by your circumstances and more empowered by your aspirations! Because you become aware of the value you can offer, expressing yourself becomes easier.

In case you are wondering about what you need to do to discover your life’s purpose, simply start by Praying to God about what you can do with your life. That is what I did and from then I went from just chasing everything I was told I would earn a lot of money from to desiring and doing work that utilises my gifts and talents and makes a positive impact in the world.

Becoming aware of the greatness you carry is one thing, living it out is another. To further help you to get started on living a life of greatness, I designed an amazing course, DESTINED FOR GREATNESS through which you will be assisted to discover who God made you to be and to do the work to make your vision come alive.

Sign up for it here.

May you glorify God by fulfilling down to the last detail of what he has called you to do (John 17:4).



Christmas gifts ideas

The Best Christmas Gift to Give Anyone

Christmas is widely characterized by gift-gifting! This practice is justified by Christians with reference to the Three Wise Men, the Magi, who gave gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh to the infant Jesus. (Mathew 2:11)

Christmas being a celebration of Jesus’ birth into the world and he is not physically here to receive gifts from us, families, small prayer groups and even colleagues choose to instead exchange gifts amongst themselves to delight each other in celebration of His birth.

Let us reflect a little on why Jesus was born into the world.

In the beginning God created us human beings to worship Him and created for us earth as our beautiful habitation where we would serve His purpose for our lives. (Genesis 1:27-31)

The plan was that we would live forever! God placed man in the Garden of Eden and commanded him to eat of every tree but not the tree of the knowledge of good and evil because it would cause him to die. (Genesis 2:15-17)

Then Satan who God had cast out of Heaven because he disobeyed Him, came and tempted Adam the first man and his wife Eve to eat of the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden and that act brought death upon all mankind. (Romans 5:12)

Jesus then was born into the world to redeem mankind of this death by dying on the cross and shading His blood as the perfect sacrifice so that whosoever believes in Him will not perish but will inherit everlasting Life. (Romans 5:19)

See, the real gift of Christmas we all have is Jesus Christ and so the perfect gift you can give anyone this Christmas is to ask if they have Secured the Gift of Eternal Life through believing in Jesus Christ as Lord and savior.

16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. – John 3:16

To ask If someone has secured the gift of eternal life is the thought that swept my mind when I was on my way to bury my cousin this past week. When I got the news of her passing, I immediately wondered about the destination of her soul but thankfully, when we were at her funeral, her former pastor let the mourners know that a few days before her passing, she had asked him to pray with her to receive Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour again.

The real gift of Christmas is Salvation, make sure you and those you encounter don’t miss it.

Here is a prayer to receive Jesus as Lord and Saviour;

Dear Lord Jesus, thank you for  giving me life by dying on the cross in my place. Forgive me for all my sins and those of my forefathers. Come into my heart and be my Lord and Savior today. In Jesus’ Mighty name I pray, Amen.

Now if you have prayed the above prayer, ask God to lead you to a Church where you will be discipled and grow in knowledge of Him as well as enjoy community with other believers.

God richly bless you and share this blog in your circles so that others can experience the perfect gift,

with love, Kellen Kenlyn Nakaye (Kay)



Four mistakes that trap women in Toxic Dating Relationships

Essentially, dating is so that you can take time to analyze if you can spend the rest of your life with someone in a marriage relationship. It should not really be a hurtful, devastating, and devaluing experience then but yet so many women have a part of their story that is shaded with a prolonged stay in a dating relationship where they were being manipulated, their values were being dismissed or even were forced to have babies outside of wedlock as a way to prove our fertility to the prospect husband! Here are four mistakes that women make that trap them in such experiences;

Choosing to work around red flags instead of leaving

The concept of red flags in dating is used with reference to traffic where the red light simply means stop, don’t move. Since relationships are built on character, red flags are those character attributes that cannot support a healthy relationship. Disrespect, dishonesty, manipulation, someone who pushes you to compromise your values, lack of loyalty, lack of self-control, Physical violence, emotional abuse selfishness, sexual immorality, and poor communication are all traits that potentially ruin a relationship. All these characters are rooted in ungodliness or a lack of reverence for God and no one that does not love God truly will love another person fully.

Not setting clear and strong boundaries

Setting boundaries in relationships is all about defining how far people can come into your life and how you expect them to treat you. Things like how much of your time you are willing to give them and how far into your space can they come are what you are defining when you set boundaries. when you can’t clearly state your boundaries and be strong enough to stand your ground, your relationships suffer. You get taken advantage of by way of others getting you to meet their needs at the expense of your own and without them caring to reciprocate.

“Above all else, guard your heart, for out of it comes every other issue.” – Proverbs 4:23

Boundaries do just that— help us to guard our hearts from traumas, betrayals, crushing disrespect, and even sin which are likely to happen to us if we just carelessly let people into every space of our lives even when they don’t qualify.

Setting unrealistic timelines of when you should get married

Marriage is for every adult who desires it but there isn’t a specific age limit to do it. Nevertheless, there is a lie (Revelations 12:9) flying around in society that romance is a qualification for a good life and the greatest happiness is found in a relationship with a boyfriend (or husband) so most young women pursue getting hooked as soon as possible even when they are not ready for marriage.

Speaking of readiness for marriage, Marshall Segal (writer and managing editor at challenges us to have serious questions about maturity and stability; Has our boyfriend or girlfriend matured enough to have any idea what they might be like as a husband or wife for the next fifty years? Have we really matured enough? Will one or both of us be able to provide for a family financially? Has his or her faith in Jesus been tested enough by trials to be confident it’s real?

Taking responsibility for other people’s bad behavior

The man you’re dating is not your child. It is not your job to mother him so if he comes with poor character such as a lack of respect for your boundaries, lack of self-control and therefore wanting to engage you in premarital sex because he can’t wait or outright immaturity where he wants the relationship to be entirely focused on only his needs. Your role as a helpmeet is to help him with fulfilling the purpose of his life or to pull him out of the strands of bad behaviour. People do not change because someone is forcing them to but because they want to.

Since your choices in life are governed by your thought patterns, I believe what you tolerate in your dating experiences or single lady season is dependent on how you think about yourself. I wrote the book “Journey to Wholeness: Learning to Value Yourself as a Single Lady” to help hundreds of women to cultivate the mindset they need to attract healthy dating relationships that can set them up for success.

You can get your copy here or on Amazon, it will elevate your life.

A confident Woman, A Godly Woman

How to become a confident Woman

No matter how you start out in life, you have an opportunity to finish well. You are already blessed to live a significant life that glorifies God.

So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and Multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth. ————-GENESIS 1:27-28

To finish well is to live life to fulfill down to the last detail of what God has called you to do.

 I have glorified thee on the earth: I have finished the work which thou gavest me to do. —–  JOHN 17:4

It is a life where through your gifts, talents, and resources you bless the lives of those around you, and confidence is a key factor in achieving this.

Here are some tips on how to become a confident woman;

  • Discover your strengths

It is important to always operate in the area of strengths, rather than in the area of your weaknesses and the first step in discovering your strengths is to find out what you are passionate about by asking God about what He has created you to do. Your passions are usually tied to your gifts and you will gain confidence in your gifts if you train in them by allowing yourself to take on life experiences where they are required.

For I would that all men were even as I myself. But every man hath his proper gift of God, one after this manner, and another after that.  —— 1 Corinthians 7:7

  • Mind your presentation

People always look at your appearance before they hear what you have to say so see to it that the way you dress, calls for compliments and facial expressions that will lift your spirit and make you feel confident.

  • Clothe yourself with your strengths

Keep away from always talking about the negative things in your life. Generally, everybody gets to deal with something bad at a certain point in their lifetime. Timothy Keller put it this way;

“No amount of money, power, and planning can prevent bereavement, dire illness, relationship betrayal, financial disaster, or a host of other troubles from entering your life. Human life is fatally fragile and subject to forces beyond our power to manage. Life is tragic.”
― Timothy Keller, Walking with God through Pain and Suffering

You notice that people tend to talk more about the positives in their lives and that draws us to them because they embody confidence and strength. You too can become a confident person if you focus more on what is going right for you. In fact, being positive in mind and in speech helps you get creative about overcoming the bad.

  • Take up opportunities to serve others

We all would love to be talked about as great people but service is the heart of greatness and like I earlier said, we become confident in our gifts and talents by putting them to use.

But he that is greatest among you shall be your servant. —- Mathew 23:11

So if there is an opportunity to give of yourself to others, take it even if there is no payment attached to it. It is an opportunity to polish your skills and maybe come to a level of people paying for your time just to partake of your gift.

With those few remarks, I am glad that for the years you have left, you will confidently walk through every single day as you work on fulfilling down to the last detail of what God has called you to do.

May the peace of God that passes on all understanding be with you

May you always be driven by your dreams and not controlled by your circumstances

Yours Truly,
Kellen Kenlyn Nakaye
Author: “Journey to Wholeness: Learning to Value Yourself as a Single Lady”