Christmas gifts ideas

The Best Christmas Gift to Give Anyone

Christmas is widely characterized by gift-gifting! This practice is justified by Christians with reference to the Three Wise Men, the Magi, who gave gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh to the infant Jesus. (Mathew 2:11)

Christmas being a celebration of Jesus’ birth into the world and he is not physically here to receive gifts from us, families, small prayer groups and even colleagues choose to instead exchange gifts amongst themselves to delight each other in celebration of His birth.

Let us reflect a little on why Jesus was born into the world.

In the beginning God created us human beings to worship Him and created for us earth as our beautiful habitation where we would serve His purpose for our lives. (Genesis 1:27-31)

The plan was that we would live forever! God placed man in the Garden of Eden and commanded him to eat of every tree but not the tree of the knowledge of good and evil because it would cause him to die. (Genesis 2:15-17)

Then Satan who God had cast out of Heaven because he disobeyed Him, came and tempted Adam the first man and his wife Eve to eat of the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden and that act brought death upon all mankind. (Romans 5:12)

Jesus then was born into the world to redeem mankind of this death by dying on the cross and shading His blood as the perfect sacrifice so that whosoever believes in Him will not perish but will inherit everlasting Life. (Romans 5:19)

See, the real gift of Christmas we all have is Jesus Christ and so the perfect gift you can give anyone this Christmas is to ask if they have Secured the Gift of Eternal Life through believing in Jesus Christ as Lord and savior.

16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. – John 3:16

To ask If someone has secured the gift of eternal life is the thought that swept my mind when I was on my way to bury my cousin this past week. When I got the news of her passing, I immediately wondered about the destination of her soul but thankfully, when we were at her funeral, her former pastor let the mourners know that a few days before her passing, she had asked him to pray with her to receive Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour again.

The real gift of Christmas is Salvation, make sure you and those you encounter don’t miss it.

Here is a prayer to receive Jesus as Lord and Saviour;

Dear Lord Jesus, thank you for  giving me life by dying on the cross in my place. Forgive me for all my sins and those of my forefathers. Come into my heart and be my Lord and Savior today. In Jesus’ Mighty name I pray, Amen.

Now if you have prayed the above prayer, ask God to lead you to a Church where you will be discipled and grow in knowledge of Him as well as enjoy community with other believers.

God richly bless you and share this blog in your circles so that others can experience the perfect gift,

with love, Kellen Kenlyn Nakaye (Kay)


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